ホンダ・CX - Wikipedia
CX(シーエックス)は、かつて本田技研工業が製造販売していたオートバイのシリーズ商標である。 目次. [非表示]. 1 概要; 2 モデル一覧. 2.1 日本国内仕様. 2.1.1 CX-EURO; 2.1.2 CX-CUSTOM. 2.2 海外向け輸出仕様. 2.2.1 CX500; 2.2.2 CX500 CUSTOM; 2.2.3 CX500/650 E; 2.2.4 CX650 CUSTOM; 2.2.5 GL500/650 SILVER WING; 2.2.6 CX500 TURBO・CX650 TURBO. 3 脚注. 3.1 注釈; 3.2 出典. 4 外部リンク. 概要[編集]. ※詳細についてはホンダ・GL#概要ならびにホンダ・GL#車両解説も参照のこと。
Honda VT500 - Wikipedia
VT500 is a common name for the family of Honda motorcycles sharing the VT500 inline V-twin engine. Launched at the Cologne motorcycle show in September 1982, it was produced with various designations for different countries, such as Ascot, Shadow and Euro. Contents. [hide]. 1 Design parameters; 2 Specification; 3 Transmission; 4 Developments; 5 References. Design parameters[edit]. Conventional V twin engines often had the fore and aft cylinders set at 90-degrees to ...
Honda Ascot (motorcycle) - Wikipedia
The Honda Ascot was a name given to two motorcycles produced by Honda in the early 1980s. The motorcycles to carry the name, the FT500 and VT500FT, were produced with the Ascot name between 1982 and 1984. Contents. [hide]. 1 FT500'82; 2 FT500'83; 3 VT500FT'83; 4 VT500FT'84. FT500'82[edit]. The Honda Ascot, designated FT500'82, was sold in 1982 in the colors Monza Red or Black. The tank stripes and the "FT500" decal were gray and silver on the red bike and red ...